Re: Soul-infused Personalities
Oct 11, 1997 05:26 PM
by A. Safron
> From: Bart Lidofsky <>
> Subject: Re: Soul-infused Personalities
> Date: Saturday, October 11, 1997 12:47 PM
> A. Safron wrote:
> > IMHO, that may have been true at one time. I believe there was a system set up that
> > The Liberal Catholic Church, (6th & 2nd Ray), Co-Masons (1st & 7th Ray) and the ES, whose
> > I am not privilege to know.
> Have you thought about asking a member?
I did not perceive it as being important to the piece as a whole.
> > Attending all three (LCC, Co-Mason, ES) was a way of refining the human vehicles, and
> > therefore, speeding their evolution and perhaps, providing seed groups for future Adepts
or as
> > the dictionary defines it, "very skilled persons."
> Actually, I don't believe the seed groups come out of any the three
> organizations you mention.
> It looks like I'm going to have to write a post to explain myself a
> little better.
> Bart Lidofsky
Actually, I didn't write that piece for you or anyone else. I wrote it for myself, to
organize my viewpoint and thoughts about TSA before I leave the organization. If it doesn't
come close to what you have in mind, then it is simply a different viewpoint. It is written
from my own experiences and research.
Thank you,
A. Safron
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