Soul-infused Personalities
Oct 11, 1997 09:55 AM
by A. Safron
Bart Lidoflsky made this statement recently: "Actually, I believe that the purpose of the
Theosophical Society is, in fact, to speed the evolution of humanity, and to create an
atmosphere conducive to the creation of seed groups that, in a millennium or two, will become
Adepts". ..
IMHO, that may have been true at one time. I believe there was a system set up that involved
The Liberal Catholic Church, (6th & 2nd Ray), Co-Masons (1st & 7th Ray) and the ES, whose Rays
I am not privilege to know. The introductory organization was the TS, where the neophytes
came to hear lectures, read books and attend Lodges or study groups. If they desired or felt
the call, they would then be funneled into the other three.
Attending all three (LCC, Co-Mason, ES) was a way of refining the human vehicles, and
therefore, speeding their evolution and perhaps, providing seed groups for future Adepts or as
the dictionary defines it, "very skilled persons."
It is said in "The Willow in the Tempest" (a brief history of The Liberal Catholic Church in
the United States from 1917 to 1942), by Robert Norton, that the holy orders and priesthood,
only open to men, were supposed be avenues to initiation. I do not know what avenues were
open to the women, but can only guess it was the Co-Masons, where women were equals with men,
but behind closed doors.
>From the little I know about the ES, they were those who went onto higher studies and perhaps,
were in touch or at least, under the guidance of the Masters or a disciple of one.
Another member of Theos-l called joining all of these groups "running the gauntlet".
This system was functioning together in the 1920's, especially with the entry of the
Krishnamurti, who all expected to be World Teacher. He was the cherry on top of the banana
split, so to speak. For not only did one have this system for refinement, there was the
eminent possibility that the World Teacher would soon be instructing you personally.
Alas, there are many good systems, but the personalities that run them can fail. CWL had his
much publicized problems. I have read that Wedgewood hid cocaine in his crozier. Arundale
made many strange statements that were later questioned. Initiations, or supposed
initiations, were handed out to the favorites like candy at Christmas.
The true destruction of this system, came when Krishnamurti, as a personality, decided that
the WT job wasn't for him. The linchpin of the system had fallen away and the wheel of TS has
never fully recovered.
Parts of these system are functioning, but not necessarily as one or even friendly to the
Anyone that knows astrology knows that we are mixture of good and bad, manifesting in
different behaviors, weaknesses and talents. If the weaknesses are not corrected, they can be
the downfall of a lifetime or even of a system, if one is powerful enough. IMHO, the previous
mentioned system was a valiant effort to soften and correct those human failings through
superhuman methods. But, as I believe Alan said once, "A shmuck in a miter is still a
The seeds for the future must be soul-infused personalities. People whose personalities are
under the control of the soul and willing forget themselves for the good of others. They may
have psychic powers, but only use them when necessary. They will be willing to serve at any
moment and will be always listening for the voice of their souls.
Well, that's my quarter's worth and probably my summation of what how I view TS, past, present
and future. Can TS let go of the old systems? Rejuvenate them? Do the old systems of the
1920"s even work anymore and are they relevant to the 21st century?
Since this is a Scorpionic organization, under the 4th Ray (Harmony through Conflict), the
members will probably to have to fight it out.
A. Safron
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