Re: Modern Satanism
Oct 11, 1997 08:24 AM
by Bart Lidofsky
A. Safron wrote:
> > Well, the basis of moden Satanism takes a very theosophical point of
> > view towards Satan: they reject the concept of the spiritual or any
> > higher self, and concentrate on the material, or lower self. And do it
> > very successfully, I might add.
> I read this post to Chuck, my husband and he want to know if you are for real.
> If you are, then he may just join the list to find out if it's true.
If you mean was my statement serious or a joke, it was serious. If you
are wondering about the Christian Fundamentalist accusations of Satanism
today, I would suggest that you read a book called SATANIC PANIC, by
Jeffery S. Victor, ISBN 0-8126-9191-1 (0-8126-9192-X for paperback).
Bart Lidofsky
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