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Re: What is the Purpose of Theosophy???

Oct 10, 1997 01:37 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

A. Safron wrote:
> I hope this question was just another sarcastic jests of yours. What is TS?
> A museum of various religions and philosophies?  A vending machine full
> of ideas and study programs?  Is it simply just an educational arm - get
> your spiritual advancement elsewhere?

	To give an analogy, If life is a game, we are playing it without most
of the rules. The Theosophical Society doesn't directly help with the
game of life; it does, however, help us figure out what the rules are,
so that we can play better. But knowing the rules simply gives one a
better opportunity to play better; it doesn't mean that one will.

	I don't believe the purpose of the TS is the spiritual advancement of
the members. I believe that the purpose is to enable the members to
learn what they must do to become more spiritually advanced, and to let
the information spread to the non-members.

	Bart Lidofsky

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