Re: Digest 1276
Oct 10, 1997 01:33 PM
by Bart Lidofsky
Nicole Suter wrote:
> To Bart Lidofsky: I do have a funny habit, i.e. playing with words
> and trying to imagine what pictures they make - you gave me
> two wonderful ones:
> "a beacon of theosophy" (I am not sure if it is from you but it looks great!)
not me
> " iconical wino" (- wouw - beautyful). Thank you - I enjoyed them very
> much and shall keep them for a while.
me. It was a take-off on a previous thread when I was talking about
separating diamonds from garbage, and some responded that some people
find garbage to be valuable, so I replied that I was speaking
> "How is it physically possible to harm none?"
> Physically? Drive carefully, avoid accidents ... but mind you inspite of
> the best intentions you might have, it could be possible that you ran
> into somebody without even wanting it at all ...
If you drive too carefully, you can delay people who need to get where
they're going on time, and cause others to have accidents. I have always
considered the Theosophical phrasing of the Golden Rule to be "What you
do to others, you are doing to yourself, and what you do to yourself you
are doing to others."
Bart Lidofsky
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