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Re: "see below"

Oct 07, 1997 06:49 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Nicole Suter wrote:
> To Bart Lidofsky:
> "I was using iconical garbage, not actual garbage. Iconical garbage is,
> by definition, worthless (just as iconical diamonds are, by definition,
> valuable, even if one does not happen to have any use for diamonds
> personally)."
> Iconical garbage      = worthless
> Iconical diamonds = valuable (but not for personal use)!


	Iconical garbage = worthless.
	Iconical diamonds = valuable.
	Real garbage = value depends on the garbage and the person.
	Real diamonds = value depends on the person.

> Is this correct? If yes - could I please have an exact definition of the
> two expressions "worthless" and "valuable"?

	Worthless = a person has no motivation to keep it.
	Valuable = a person had high motivation to keep it.

	Realistically speaking,
	Bart Lidofsky

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