Oct 07, 1997 12:50 PM
by Jerry Schueler
>I have the desire...what is the necessary work???
Lifetimes devoted to compassion for others, among other things.
>Gnosis sounds like some kind of sudden, divine revelation. What exactly
>is it? And how would someone experience such a thing and not realize it?
I doubt that anyone now living knows exactly what the Gnostics
meant by that term. However, it does seem to imply some kind of
direct seeing or direct experience of divinity, and so is probably
similar, if not identical, to the Buddhist satori. Many people
do have these experiences (in our society we call them mystical
experiences) and are freightened or upset by them. This is one
of the things that transpersonal psychology is currently working
on. They call it a "spiritual emergency" because the person has
a spiritual experience with no preparation for it.
>Do I need any candles???
Only if you want to see in the dark.
Jerry S.
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