Re: Masters as Aliens
Oct 07, 1997 05:37 AM
by A. Safron
> From:
> Subject: Re: Masters as Aliens
> Date: Monday, October 06, 1997 11:56 PM
> In the late 1940's Whilhelm Reich used his cloud buster to disable three
> ufos. If they are as telepathic as they claim to be they are extremely
> vulnerable to psionics and there are reports of potential abductees saving
> themselves by sending concentrated thoughts of pure hate at them.
> Chuck the Heretic
In what way do they save themselves by concentrated thoughts - do
the outer space guys just back off, run back to their ships and fly off?
This is the first I've heard of any defense systems. Care to elaborate on
the psionic idea?
A. Safron
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