Re: Masters as Aliens
Oct 06, 1997 09:56 PM
by Drpsionic
In a message dated 97-10-06 20:33:43 EDT, you write:
>What do I believe? Well, I had to absorb all this UFO stuff for my fiction
>novel, so I look
>at it more as a researcher than anything else. But I lean towards the fact
>that aliens are
>using us for cross-breeding purposes and experimentation. Hell, what's to
>stop them.
>A. Safron
In the late 1940's Whilhelm Reich used his cloud buster to disable three
ufos. If they are as telepathic as they claim to be they are extremely
vulnerable to psionics and there are reports of potential abductees saving
themselves by sending concentrated thoughts of pure hate at them.
Chuck the Heretic
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