Re: A Quote
Oct 04, 1997 05:41 PM
by A. Safron
> From: Dr. A.M.Bain <>
> Subject: Re: A Quote
> Date: Saturday, October 04, 1997 7:22 PM
> Hardly a fault or a virtue; I was subtly [failed] attempting to bring
> attention the the fact that the earlier Theosophists, who were
> relatively few per head of population, were mostly of the class who
> could *afford* to play croquet - very much an "upper-crust" pusuit in
> those days, not to mention the time involved. It was these people (such
> as the famous Miss Dodge) who poured funds into the TS, fed and clothed
> Krishnamurti, bought large amounts of real estate for the Society, etc.
> "Humanity" in the shape of the great mass of working people hardly got a
> look in.
Pretty much what I thought you were trying to say symbolically, Alan.
I think a tincture of that elitism, upper-crustism, aristocratic feeling exists
in the attitudes of some members today. Also in their literature.
Alas, I think most people just want to hear how to deal with the problems
of their rather unaristocratic lives.
A. Safron
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