Re: David Icke
Oct 01, 1997 05:56 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain
In message <>, "A. Safron"
<> writes
>> From: JOSEPH PRICE <>
>> Subject: David Icke
>> Date: Tuesday, September 30, 1997 9:54 PM
>> Keith Price: There is going to be a big new age conference in Phonenix. I
>> got this blurb on David Icke. He supposedly had a spiritual experience
>> (initiation?) where it was revealed that there are secret societies that
>> control the world and keep us under a kind of hypnosis of consumerism,
>> dissatisfaction, addiction and so on. I kind of think this is going on, but
>> it isn't a conscious conspiracy, but a kind of collusion of delusion -
>> attachement to the material maya of this globe. Has anyone else heard of
>> this guy??
>I hate to tell you, but this sounds an awful like the fiction I'm writing.
>A. Safron
David Icke is a Brit. He is almost entirely forgotten here now.
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