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Reply to Annette

Jun 30, 1997 09:27 PM
by Eldon B. Tucker


Your message contains a considerable number of points that might 
be replied to. I'll pick out a few. Any comments I make don't 
refer to you, or Peter, neither of whom I know, but are only made 
in reference to the issues and situations that you present. Apart
from the discussion, I'd like to wish you, your kids, Peter, and
everyone that anyone of you know, the best in dealing with your
current changes in life, and a smooth path to a healthy, productive,
fulfilling future, as you apparently go your separate ways.

-- Eldon


One Type of Personality

One type of personality that I've encountered in a few 
theosophical students might be called an "eternal youth". This 
type of person never grows up. He never learns to accept or set 
limits for himself. He cannot make, honor, or really understand 
committing to a financial budget or obligation. He cannot handle 
time, being responsible to attend regular meetings, do chores on a 
regular basis, meet time deadlines for commitments. In 
astrological terms he's someone with an heavily afflicted Saturn. 

I've known people with this disposition and seen them time after 
time set ambitious plans, get new people excited about 
participating in the projects, then subtly sabotaging them through 
neglect as they fail to follow through with the work, time, and 
money that they committed to at the start. 

They never understand why things go wrong, and blame their failures on
the people who they know when no one steps in to bail them out. 
Things in the world do work the way they expect -- in devachan --
but not here on the physical plane.  These people are not quite
here, but are halfway in dreamland, and one can only hope that
someday they'll finally wake up and realize that they're actually

An In-Between Space

There are different rules and responsibilities that we face
depending upon the type of life that we choose.  An monastic life
allows one to devote most of one's life to study and
contemplation.  An householder's life commits a good portion of
one's time and money to the family.  Spiritual progress is
possible with either approach.

We grow in capabilities as we use what we have.  There's not a
big Santa Claus looking to see if we're "naughty or nice" and
determining our Christmas rewards.  Our "reward" for being good,
kind, loving, and fulfilling our duties of family, friendship,
and general brotherhood with others is something more difficult
to measure.  Basically, both us and others grow from the

There's an "in-between space" that grows between us and the
people that we know, and a different, higher type of
consciousness arises in it, something that can not exist by
itself in either person, when unrelated.  This "space" is
associated with the "buddhic principle", the aspect of
consciousness that transcends the ego-creating activity of mind

An Unique Step to Take

Each of us has an unique "next step to take", and for some it may
be to put away the books, religions, organizations, and external
teachers, and enjoy the art and music of the simple life in the
wilds of nature.  For other people, a skilled teacher in a bona
fide spiritual tradition may be just the key to a dramatically
enriched life.

Beware of Cults

There's one indication of a false approach: any radical 
change in personality and beliefs, coupled with a desire to cut 
off contact with family and friends of the past -- this is one of 
the major indications of being subject to mind control in a cult. 
(See "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassen.) The general 
situation (although there may be a few exceptions) is that growth 
and change happen over years and lifetimes, and not immediately by 
a conversion experience followed by a profession of belief in 
ideas that one hasn't studied and understood.

A cult is not limited to religion, but could be anything from a
multilevel sales outfit to a political activist collective.  What
distinguishes it is in the use of mind control.  In his book,
Hassen gives a good checklist of questions to use to ask someone
trying to recruit someone.  The information is important to know
because *anyone*, no matter how intelligent, can be recruited.

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