Re: Spiritual discrimination
Oct 11, 1996 03:16 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain
In message <Pine.OSF.3.90.961010220918.5484C->, Maxim Osinovsky <mosinovs@library.berkeley
.edu> writes
>Alan, I appreciate your integrity, and what follows is not in response to
>your posting,--just some stray thoughts re: general course of discussions
>on theos-l.
>Lack of effective communication between spiritually minded people today is
>partly due to the fact that the old model of the teacher-disciple
>relationship has collapsed,
.. or been superseded.
> while the habit of spiritual discipline is
>not ingrained yet.
Do you thing we really need "ingrained habits" - suppose we get it
wrong? There would be a great amount of repair work to do, even
supposing that we recognised an error was present tobegin witn.
> Today we have at our disposal enormous amounts of
>information about yoga, etc., which perhaps entails a lot of independent
>research and practice. Under these circumstances, it is tempting to skip
>some 'unnecessary' preliminary stages and to go directly to 'advanced'
This has probably always been the case, regardless of the method of
teaching or the teacher involved.
> Nevertheless the old laws (not models) of the spiritual
>development seem to be still valid. Indeed, it does not seem like we
>have overgrown Patanjali's Yoga Sutras or Plotinus' level of
>understanding. One still needs to learn spiritual lessons step by step
>in their proper sequence unless one wants to be periodically thrown back
>to basics. (This sequence is well known from Yoga Sutras.)
Yes, that is probably true in broad terms; and it can be verified
empirically by each ine of us as we travel on our individual journeys.
>This is what happens oftentimes on theos-l. We get thrown back repeatedly
>to ABC of spirituality. As a matter of fact I feel myself uncomfortable
>repeating some well known things,
They may not be well known to everyone who drops by on the list. People
come and go, though there are a few of us who doggedly persist in
hanging around to put our 2 cents' worth in.
>I wonder if we might agree on some basic things
>like these: the things spiritual are not expressible in the ordinary
Some are, some aren't.
> a finger pointing at the moon is not the moon; there are worlds
>of form and formless realms; nothing clothed in words is true;
All the Teaching has ever done is point the way, if that is what you
mean. The same is true of teachers, who cannot do their students' work
*for* them.
> as below
>so above; and so forth.
A point of order for clarification here, as this idea is so often
misquoted. "That which is above is like unto that which is below" is a
slightly archaic approximation of the original aphorism. "Like unto it"
- not the same as it.
> It would save our time and effort. Then we maybe
>will be able to agree somewhat on such issues as evil, black magic vs.
>white magic,
I do not see these as *versus* each other: to take such a view, IMO,
leads to a kind of evil in itself by setting up a confontational model
(or paradigm if you want to talk posh) when we would surely be better of
by seeking the middle way.
> the role of the Masters, etc.
Define "Masters" - I have an item on this among my web stuff somewhere.
Making progress ....
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