Goal of Meditation - Re-Member-ing the Real
Aug 03, 1996 03:37 AM
by Keith Price
While trying to meditate on some of the ideas presented by Blavatsky in the VOS,
I have tried to understand why we focus on the number 7 so much, particularly in
regard to the 7 bodies as evidence of 7 levels of manifestation.
Blavatsky and others spend a great deal of time reiterating the 7 levels from
the microcosm of the individual to the macrocosm of cosmic evolution. I have
tried to develop and intuitive approach and try to integrate some of the ideas
and try to understand how they could be put to practical use.
The idea came to me of that the various planes, globes, bodies etc are separated
in the way white light is separated into the colored spectrum in a prism. The
seven colors show how the primal unitive white light is separated in space and
time for our eyes by the prism. The goal of meditation is to provide a second
prism developed in our own mind that will recombine the colors into white light.
When this happens, we can cross the rainbow bridge or the anathakara into the
higher unitve white light state of consciousness variously described as
sat-chit-ananada, truth (being)- mind and bliss as our real state.
The seven portals, keys, and the golden stairs help create the diamond "body"
that can recombine the stopped down colors into there higher state of unity..
This might be the philosopher's stone so often hinted at. The stone that can
transmute the base elements of our plane to the spiritual gold of eternal value.
Thus it takes a develpment or the uncovering of this inherent faculty through
meditation. We then have access to akasha, ultimate complete wisdom beyond
verbal thought. We can travel on the laser light to the universal holographic
mind (to wax in the current jargon).
Ken Wilber talks about the spectrum of consciousness and how our various senses
and mental functions tune into the various levels almost like tuning a radio to
specific frequency. The chakra system is the center of ancient and modern
attempts to understand our consciousness and linked to various bodies in a
non-mental way that is not centered in the brain or physical nervous system
I realized that I must have heard this before in many places. I realized that a
similar idea has probably been stated many times. The cave of shadow in Plato
for one. And in I believe in Wordsworth, where he talks about the rose window
splting the divine light into many colors. Thus what we take for reincarnation
and acces to akasa may be a form of crytonesia or remembering things we heard or
read in some simpler form.
There seems a virture to balance every inherent vice in each of the bodies.
!. Purity of the physcial body
2. Altruism in the emotional body
3. Slaying the tendency of the analytical mind to divide everything
4. Accessing the creative intuition
6. Meditation on wisdom beyond words
7. Linking them all to the will for compasionate loving service of evolution
Each of the lower bodies can become a vehicle of the next higher and thus they
are united to a single Will, rather than pulling oneself in 7 directions at
Then one can become an active spiritual agent of the Real, as opposed to passive
victim of the pull of the false, separated plane of illusion.
Thus meditaion and perhaps all spiritual practice including analytical study of
texts is an attempt to re-member, that is, put back the broken arms and legs of
our divided illusory mayavic moral self on our whole eternal real spritiual
immortal Self. WHen we touch the right things we are forced to reconstruct the
memory or perhaps our future plan as unconscious image embedded deeply in us
of our Real Self/ When we hear the Voice of the SIlence it is speaking to this
Self. It is speaking to Itself. I AM THAT I AM.
Keith Price
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