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Re: Treatise on Cosmic Fire Revisited

May 15, 1996 01:39 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins

Sy Ginsberg writes:

>T.U. Denmark is indeed heavily into Alice Bailey, although
>allowing full freedom of inquiry by members into anything else.
>I was told they have developed a program of study integrating
>Vols I and II of the Secret Doctrine with "A Treatise on Cosmic
>Fire" which many of them believe to be the third volume of the
>S.D. that HPB predicted would be given out.  In the
>Introduction, (p. viii) Foster Bailey makes the claim that "In A
>Treatise on Cosmic Fire the Tibetan has given us what H.P.
>Blavatsky prophesied he would give, namely, the psychological
>key to the Cosmic Creation."

>Would any of you on the list care to comment on this?  I confess
>only to being superficially familiar with the book, and not to
>really understanding most of it. The Miami Lodge has a Study
>Group which studies the Bailey teachings among others.

Having only gone through ~Cosmic Fire~ only once, I would not
presume to comment upon the book.  I will leave that to more
seasoned students of AAB.  However, I do have a question that has
been bothering me for many years.  It concerns your above
mentioned remark by Foster Bailey that:

"In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire the Tibetan has given us what H.P.
Blavatsky prophesied he would give, namely, the psychological
key to the Cosmic Creation."

As an ~SD~ student, I'm of course familiar with HPB's two or
three statements in the ~SD~ concerning her hopes to issue
volumes three and four, and her descriptions of the material that
will be found there: that it would be dealing with the history of
occultism and the lives of "Adepts of the Aryan race, and showing
the bearing of occult philosophy upon the conduct of life, as it
is and as it ought to be."  (vii).  But I have so far never seen
anything written by HPB where she stated her intention for volume
III (or even IV) to be "the psychological key to Cosmic
Creation."   This statement by Foster Bailey has stumped me for
many years now, and I would like to know where he got it.
Whenever I meet a Bailey student, and the subject of ~Cosmic
Fire~ comes up, I always ask if they know where in HPB's writings
FB was quoting.  So far no one has been able to tell me.  Can any
of the Bailey students on this list help me with this question?
Can any Blavatsky students?


   |Jerry Hejka-Ekins,                      |
      |Member TI, TSA, TSP, ULT                |
         |Please reply to:   |
            |and CC to       |

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