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PG Bowen

Jun 20, 1995 06:56 AM
by Liesel F. Deutsch

A while ago, one of you commented on how good PG Bowen was, &
suggested his "Way of The Disciple".  The Olcott Library didn't
have that for circulation, but sent me "The Occult Way", publ.
in 1936, rev.  1978.  I've been reading through that book in
spurts.  I too think it's real good, even though he sometimes
expresses himself in a way that now seems a bit archaic to us, &
today I found a most quotable quote which I'd like to share with

p76 "Harmlessness, Truthfulness, Justice, Purity when practiced
bring you to Self-Reliance, yet only when the latter is achieved
do the other 4 become fully realized.  Self-reliance is the
universal solvent that separates false teaching from true, for
the first leads away from it and the last leads towards it, and
by that sign is their quality revealed.  And yet, paradoxically
as ever, to the self-reliant there is not in the universe
anything that is truly false and evil, for whatever the
limitations of a thing may be it is a mode of experience which
when assimilated leads towards knowledge."

Isn't that a beauty? It says so much in 1 short paragraph.


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