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Jun 15, 1995 06:51 PM

Hi Brenda,

Your comments are most appreciated.  Space is the real world.
Our world is flawed, as it is finite.  Space, to the best of my
knowledge, is infinite.

If there is an identity between infinite sets, then one could
deduce that the infinite set we call space is identical with the
infinite creative potential some call "God".  As I see it, within
the first and second stanzas of the Stanzas of Dzyan, there is a
beautiful word picture created of the infinite potential
contained in the universe, and of the finite nature of all
expressions of that potential.  Without much of a stretch in
imaginiation, I feel that it is possible to successfully
paraphrase these stanzas in the language of modern astronomy.
When you do this, a remarkable series of testable hypotheses fall
out.  One of these hypotheses is that there are multiple
universes in space which may overlap.  This would be a simple
solution to the conflict between the concept of an expanding
universe and the observation that there are some stars that
demonstrate a blue shift, rather than a red shift.  Another is
that the "black holes" might represent the actual locations in
space that represent the holding position for the matter and
energy of each universe, awaiting expression when the infinite
potential of the universe, held in space, perhaps in the form of
an hologram, interacts with the matter and energy through the
intervention of the "ray".  (As I am sure you know, when a beam
of laser light passes through an holographic negative, the image
contained in that holographic negative may be projected into
three dimensions.  If you take an holographic negative and cut it
into many pieces, even the smallest fragment of the negative
contains all the information contained in the whole negative,
however the image created when a fragment is illuminated with
coherent laser light is imperfect, fuzzy.  I am entertaining a
notion that perfection for our existences is manifested
physically when the physical matter and energy of an individual
is recycled back to the black hole, and the spiritual existence
is reunited with the master hologram, ready to return to the
world of matter at the beginning of the next major cycle.

Any thoughts or comments?

Love and light, Fred


I received your note, but my response to the address you gave me
is not accepted by the great mystical silicon chip that holds us
all together.  I hope you see this and get back to me.  The
Stanzas of Dzyan are scattered in several different areas of the
writings of Helena P.  Blavatsky.  The portion of the Stanzas
that deals specifically with cosmogenesis are presented in Volume
1 of The Secret Doctrine.  This is the closest thing I know to
the source.  The Secret Doctrine is available through the Quest
Bookstore, Box 270, Wheaton, Illinois.  If you write them, they
will send you their catalog, which will help you further your
knowledge of the Theosophical literature available.

Love and Light, Fred

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