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Nov 16, 1999 02:16 AM
by hesse600

Hi Dallas,
You wrote:
> 5.	of these the LOWER group are left to disintegrate with the
> astral body on the astral plane as a kind of 2nd corpse -- if
> left undisturbed by mediums or seance-goers, they fade away and
> as "skandhas" they are distributed to their appropriate place in
> nature where they have some consubstantiallity.  Period of time
> may be from a few days to several week or months depending on the
> general "grossness" of the life last lived.  If disturbed and
> reanimated at a seance, an additional life span is acquired by
> this "astral corpse" -- but from descriptions available, the
> sensation it endures are then extremely painful to it, one of
> them compares it to being "skinned alive."   This is why
> Theosophical teachings discourage any attempt at mediumistic
> contact or evoking such astral corpses.  It is out of pity for
> them, and also out of hope that those who dabble in such contacts
> will not themselves impose such a dreadful experience on their
> "2nd corpse" as it disintegrates.
I will look this up, but I don't recall a timespan given in
the Key, and I am almost certain that it is not in the Key
that it is comparable to being skinned alive , though it is
not encouraged at all, but that was not the point, was it?
The point was, as far as I am concerned that sceances are
no proof of reincarnation, which is something that HPB
agrees with totally in ISIS.


NHL Leeuwarden

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