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Jan 22, 1999 04:17 AM
by hesse600

Dear Dallas and company,

> Where are yours ?  I mean specifics, and real proofs, not
> generalities, or 2nd and 3rd level opinions ?.  Yes, in the past
> a number of authors have written slandering HPB  [ there is ample
> evidence of this in the exchange of her letters with Mr. A. P.
> Sinnett - published in a book titled THE LETTERS OF H.P.Blavatsky
> TO A.P.Sinnett" - Edited by Trevor Barker.  Sinnett made himself
> to write in refutation SOME INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF
> H.P.Blavatsky."  Just recently Sylvia Cranston based on
> documentary evidence.  Since then I have seen nothing new issued
> that has been additional to earlier allegations - settled by
> source evidence given in that book.  Have you ?
Would Paul Johnson please respond to this?
Paul's book on the myth of the Mahatma's is (as far as I am
aware) more recent than Silvia Cranston's book. It is based
on historical evidence, but does not touch the relevance of
H.P.B. SO if this is a discussion on that, I have said

Jerry's quotes were for the most part (or at least as I
read them) in agreement with H.P.B.. Only H.P.B. was (as
usual :~) )more direct and drastic in her opinions.

But it is clear (to me) that H.P.B. probably had political
and other reasons for secrecy and even outright lies
(qoute K.H.: IF you want no lies, ask no questions- I do
not have the literal quote, but the idea is clear).
That may be difficult for us to imagine, who come from
reletively free and peacefull countries, but in India, last
century, free thought which smelled of anything un-English,
was dangerous.

Now Paul can elaborate far better on this subject than I
can and perhaps he will?
hope so...


NHL Leeuwarden

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