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Re: theos-l digest: October 27, 1998

Oct 27, 1998 10:18 PM
by Cybercmh

Reading all the discussions recently about what is going on in the TSA has
given me food for thought.  Tonight, as luck (synchronicity?) would have it, I
was de-cluttering and found a letter from my grandmother (Virginia G. Hanson,
formerly a very involved member of the TSA and a great human being, IMHO).
The letter is dated July 31, 1987, over ten years ago, and apparently
addresses some questions I had about the Society at that time.  Because I have
no first-hand knowledge of the facts, I thought I would simply quote here what
she said in 1987.  I found it amazing that she addressed some of the same
issues that are being discussed in 1998, and I submit the following as food
for thought only:

"[S]everal groups split off from the parent society.  The Society has always
(and still does) attract(ed) rather strong-minded people, sometimes the
personally ambitious, sometimes persons interested primarily in phenomena - an
interest which the Society does *not* encourage.  These people usually leave
rather soon.  Sometimes I think the "splittings off" were good, since they
give opportunity for the presentation of different points of view.
Unfortunately, some of the groups which left the parent society and formed
separate organizations are still disturbed over the issues which caused the
divisions, and are sometimes very critical of what they call the "Adyar
Society."  This feeling does not exist in the Adyar Society; I have never seen
anything in its literature or publications even remotely critical of the other
groups, but members of these groups continue to "pick at" the parent society.
Nevertheless, on a personal basis, many of us have some very good friends
among them.  A few years ago, here at Krotona [in Ojai, California], we had a
full day meeting of *all* the groups and each had an opportunity to present
its particular point of view.  It was most interesting and a very warm and
friendly occasion.  I see no reason why there should be any necessity to
"reunite" administratively; what *is* important is the realization that all
are working toward the same end, which is to make the theosophical world view
available to those who are interested.  There are no real differences in the
world view.  Some later leaders of the parent society wrote somewhat
simplified versions of Theosophy, perhaps also more systematically presented
then in "The Secret Doctrine," and some of the so-called "splinter groups"
took vehement objections to them.  A lot of personality things got mixed up in
this too.  But "The Secret Doctrine" remains the primary text and has never
gone out of print.  I have read quite a lot of the so-called "neo-Theosophy"
and can see that it has helped many to get a glimmering of what it is all
about.  I do not denigrate it, but I no longer read it."

Hope this helps in some way.
Christine Hanson

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