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Etherdynamics abstract 2/2

May 09, 1998 10:14 AM
by K. Zaitzev

[continuaton of the split message] (Abstract of Etherdynamics)

Chapter 5. Nucleons and Atomic Nuclei is about nucleons structures and
construction of atomic nuclei. The first paragraph of this chapter
defines ether-dynamics' parameters of proton and neutron, in particular,
the structure and surface motion velocity and also internal energy and
relaxation time. It is shown that neutron differs from proton only by
presence of external boundary layer, in which the circular motion declines,
that allows to accept the neutron as an electrically neutral particle.

Paragraph 2 describes the boundary -- strong nucleons and
distance-electromagnetic interactions of the spiral vortical rings --
nucleons. This paragraph determines an energy of strong nucleons
interactions taking into account the condensation of the ether in the
boundary internucleous layer. Coulomb's law is deduced for distance
interaction of the spiral vortical rings. The point of a charge
polarity, essence of the charge, point of a magnetic moment are shown
here; it is shown that deduced gas-mechanical dependences are fully
equivalent to corresponding electromagnetic relations.

In paragraph 3 the models of atomic nuclei, hydrogen-helium group,
general properties of component nuclei are considered, it is shown,
that the basis of nucleous structures is alfapartical model This
paragraph gives description of atomic nuclei structures, possessing
the magic number of neutrons as basic structures of all atomic nuclei.
Further, on the basis of analysis of nucleons interaction energies
in nuclei, rules of nuclei structures organization are proposed and
nuclei structures forming from basic structures by collecting the
nucleons are considered in sequence. Nuclei structures of lithium-oxygen,
fluorine-calcium, scandium-ruthenium, rhodium-gadolinium, terbium-actinium
groups are considered.

The forth paragraph of the chapter is about excitation state of
vortical rings and conformity of this state with weak nucleons

Chapter 6, Atoms and Molecules, gives description of structures of
atoms electron shells as added to nuclei of the ether vortexes with
opposite orientation of the ether spiral motion. The subject of the
first paragraph is hydromechanical interpretation of quantum mechanics
equations, for the purpose the data obtained by E. Madelung in 1926
are listed.

On the basis of Schroedinger wave equation transformation, Madelung
showed the conformity of quantum mechanics equations with hydrodynamics
equations. In this paragraph some relations of quantum mechanics are
deduced: line spectra Balmer's law, relations (law) of Plank, the
point of Paul's exclusion principle is revealed and mechanical
interpretation of conservation laws of quantum mechanics. In the same
paragraph the rules of electron shells construction as added vortexes
on the basis of psi-function knowledge are formulated.

Paragraph 2 of chapter 6 is about the structures of atoms electron
shells. It is shown here that proton can have three stable states: as
a proton, neutron, i.e. a proton with boundary layer of the ether and
as an atom, i.e. as a proton with added vortex of ether. Different
states of added vortexes corresponding to different states of hydrogen
are shown. Further, on the basis of analogies with Taylor's vortex
structures of some atoms -- helium, lithium, beryllium and oxygen, as
compound ether vortical systems are considered.

In paragraph 3 organization principles of general for several atoms
added vortexes -- principles of molecules organization are considered.
As an example structures of hydrogen molecules H2, H4 and water H2O
are given.

Chapter 7, Electromagnetic Phenomena, deals with electricity and
magnetism from positions of ether-dynamics' ideas.

Paragraph 1 gives analysis of present hydromechanical models of
electromagnetism and shows their drawbacks.

Paragraph 2 gives hydromechanical model of electricity and magnetism
on the basis of ideas about the ether as a real gas, this model
corresponds to ether-dynamical conception. Interaction of spiral
vortical rings is analysed and the essence of electrical and magnetic
interactions is considered in sequence.

The third paragraph deals with the structure of free electron and its
basic parameters -- dimensions, density, rotation velocity are calculated.

Paragraph 4 gives ether-dynamical interpretation of electrical and
magnetic phenomena such as electric current, formation of magnetic
field, self-induction mechanism, capacitor energy, the essence of
permittivity and permeability, the origin of Lorentz force.

Paragraph 5 pays attention to principal incompleteness of Maxwell's
equations, describing magnetic field and certain their modernization
is proposed in order to take into consideration some electromagnetic
effects. Several additional members linked in particular, with:
longitudinal spreading of electric field, intersection of conductors
by magnetic field lines, compressibility of magnetic field, the limit
of its diffusion and some other aspects are proposed and grounded.

Paragraph 6 gives experimental data, proved the given refinement of
electrodynamic field equations -- longitudinal dipole radiation,
predicted deviations from Ampere's circuital law, functional
dependences of conductors interinduction.

Paragraph 7 is about the possibility of transformation of the
four-dimensional MKSA system of Units into the threedimensional MKS
system. Such a transition was possible after elucidation of the
essence of permittivity, interpretated as ether density in atmosphere
and the essence of electric charge, interpretated as a product of
surface ether circulation by its density. The table of electromagnetic
values in MKSA and MKS systems is given in this section.

Chapter 8, Light, deals with subject of formation and diffusion of
light and the essence of optical phenomena

Paragraph 1 is about photon formations and their structure. It is
shown, that the most precise analogy in hydromechanics is Carman's
vortex trail, possessing, in principle, some photon properties:
corpuscle-wave dualism, polarization. Ether-dynamical parameters
of photon are calculated, including its density, the core dimensions,
time of photon relaxation is determined. Dependence of photon wave
length on time diffusion of photon at the expense of the ether
viscosity are studied, the essence of spectra "red shift" as a result
of loss of energy by photons as their movement in the ether (the
exponential law of loss of energy by photons in time) is shown.

In the second paragraph the mechanism of basic physical phenomena:
reflection and refraction of light, interference, diffraction,
aberration are studied. It is shown, that deduced formula expressions
are in accordance with known optical laws. In case of calculation of
aberration, taking into account the ether, dependences are deduced,
which are in analogy with relative ones. It is predicted, that after
reflection from metal mirror a photon spin should change its charge to

Chapter 9, Gravity Interactions, consists of four paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 shows, that the basis of gravity interaction of bodies is
thermal diffusion processes in the ether.

Proceeding from thermal conductivity equation the thermal diffusion
interaction of bodies is deduced. The law of bodies attraction is
deduced, which differs from known Newton's law of gravitation with
additional cofactor, which considerably decreases the force of bodies
intergravitation at long distances and do not practically influence
upon the law on short distances.

The temperature difference between the free ether and the surface of
temperature nucleons boundary layer is determined. The reasons of
Mercury perihelion shift are given, which are within the ordinary
limits of classical mechanics.

In the second paragraph the velocity of the gravitation diffusion is
determined, this velocity is equal to sound velocity in the ether and
considerably exceeds velocity of light, which is the velocity of
diffusion of the second sound.

In the third paragraph the calculation of absorption of the ether by
gravitational masses is done.

It is shown here, that the ether is permanently absorbing by all
bodies and the ether enters bodies at escape velocity. For different
celestial bodies the velocity of their mass increase is determined and
the constant of time of its increase is determined. For the Earth this
time constant is equal to 3.75 billion. It is shown, that absorption
of the ether by the Earth is the reason of its volume increase of
continents spreading and subduction of ocean floor under continent

In the paragraph 4 the hypothesis of origin of celestial bodies
magnetic field as a result of formation of Coriolises forces in the
ether in the surface layers of celestial bodies. These forces are the
result of absorption of the ether and rotation of celestial bodies.
The summary table of calculations of magnetic fields strengthes for
bodies of solar system is given and comparison of calculated data with
astronomical data is carried out, good coincidence of the results is

Chapter 10, The Ether and Cosmology, deals with the ether-dynamical
model of Universe

In paragraph 1 laminary interactions of bodies and circulation of the
ether in stable galaxies and change with the ether among galaxies are

It is shown, that in spiral galaxy ether circulation is carrying out:
along the spiral arms of a galaxy the ether flows are going to its
nucleus, which is resulted in magnetic fields strength of the arms,
after collision, these flows ensure formation of vortexes, which form
protons in the nucleus of the galaxy. Formed proton-hydrogen gas is
jointed in stars, which with the help of gas expansion have motion
from the nucleous to periphery, the stars move along the arms to
periphery, where protons disintegrate because of relaxation and after
this return to state of free ether.

In the second paragraph the resistance of the ether to motion of
celestial bodies is considered. Some calculations are given, proving
that the time constant of deceleration of the planets motion velocity
is about 30 billion years.

In the third paragraph the solar system is considered as an element of
the Galaxy. Ether-dynamical hypothesis of origin and development of
the solar system is presented, this hypothesis explains, in total, the
peculiarities of the solar system structure: the mechanism of the
planet formation is shown, the reasons of the sun rotation and the
planets in the straight direction and in common plane are given, the
reasons of excess orbital planets moment over the sun orbital moment
are shown.

In the forth paragraph the calculation of a galaxy latent mass is done.

Paragraph 5 gives analysis of cosmological paradoxes--thermal
dynamical paradox, photo metrical paradox and gravitation paradox and
their natural solving within limits of ether-dynamical ideas.

In conclusion the author make an assumption about need of development
of special directions of ether-dynamics in biology and many other
fields, because ether-dynamics gives principal opportunity to study
the internal mechanism of phenomena and on this base found new
directions of research.

This monograph is written by Vladimir Atsukovsky, master in technical
sciences, senior scientific worker. He is also an author of five
books, including three monographs in physical instrument making,
information theory and theoretical physics. One of the books was
published in Czechoslovakia in 1972, in China in 1973. V. Atsukovsky
is an author of more than twenty articles, twenty inventions and many
other scientific works.

His first article on ether-dynamics was published in "Ideen des
exakten Wissens" magazine N 2 in Stuttgart, FRG, in 1974.

He made more than 40 reports on problems of ether-dynamics at
various scientific seminars and conferences. He is a specialist
in the ether-dynamics field for more than 25 years.

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