Re: Dreck/HPB's article
Oct 31, 1997 08:09 AM
by ramadoss
At 10:01 AM 10/31/97 -0500, you wrote:
>To doss: "Communication 101 is to keep the interest of the audience by
>keeping them awake."
>Could it be that here we have a typing mistake? I feel that's called
>command 101, not communication. That marketing really changes
>world (sarcasticly)!
>"It is in two volumes totalling 1300 pages."
>And mine has three volumes and an index and counts by lucky chance
>2478 pages. It has been printed in The Netherlands.
It is possible that the size of the type may have made the difference and I
think both have the same book.
>">Lots of Sunlight for you,
>Thanks, I live in a place we do literally have too much sun at times!"
>If I look upon your above sentence in a natural way, that pleases me
>Thanks ...............doss
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