Re: Quest Catalog Mailing
Oct 28, 1997 07:52 PM
by ramadoss
At 08:49 PM 10/28/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Doss wrote:
>> Hi
>> Yesterday the Quest Catalog was received at my office address but with
>> some
>> one else's name.
>Well, I'm glad that everyone is bountiful with the Quest Catalog - even
>cat boxes are enjoying the Quest Catalog. But not me - oh, no - nothing
>here in the mailbox - let me look again - nope, empty, empty, empty.
>That's ok, though, I can take it - I am woman.
Some got two copies. Some did not get even a single one! What a mess up?
Nothing to do with your gender. Gerda also got two copies. Many other women
in our lodge also got two copies.
If they cannot get the mailout done right, is it possible for similar mess
up to take place both when ballots are sent out as well as when received
back and tabulated. Computers can really mess up, like the price scanner in
the grocery store. It may be a good idea to let the TSA's CPAs or some other
CPA handle the ballots at the next elections -- out going, receipts and
tabulation -- just like the Academy Awards -- and money well worth spending
and also help some poor CPAs. Just an idea!!!
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