Re: Headers
Oct 27, 1997 09:24 AM
by M K Ramadoss
At 09:05 AM 10/27/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Folks, 7 of the 12 headers in today's digest were something
>like "Theos-l digest xyz" instead of proper subjects. This has
>been going on for a week or more now. Please don't do this.
>When I can't tell at the beginning of the digest what is
>inside, I have usually deleted the whole thing unread rather
>than scroll through with my slow modem trying to figure out
>what's what.
Paul, I suppose you are referring to the Subject: area of the msg. I also
wondered about it. I think that when anyone is on digest mode and hit the
reply key, the subject area gets copied and we get the result you are
referring to.
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