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Oct 22, 1997 04:03 PM
by JRC

Tee Hee, JRC
>WARNING !!!!!!!
>Subject:      FW: NEW VIRUS WARNING (read it)
>Careful guys, this thing will screw you up!
>If you receive an e-mail with a subject line of "Bad-times," delete it
>immediately WITHOUT reading it.  This is the most dangerous E-mail virus
>It will re-write your hard drive.  Not only that, but it will scramble
>any disks that are even close to your computer.  It will recalibrate your
>refrigerator's coolness setting so all your ice cream melts and your milk
>curdles.  It will demagnetize the strips on all your credit cards,
>reprogram your ATM access code, screw up the tracking on your VCR and use
>subspace field harmonics to scratch any CDs you try to play.
>It will make you soil yourself every time you turn on the microwave.
>It will give your ex-boy/girlfriend (ex-husband/wife) your new phone
>number.  It will mix antifreeze into your fish tank.  It will drink all
>your beer and leave its dirty socks on the coffee table when there's
>company coming over.  It will hide your car keys when you are late for
>work and interfere with your car radio so that you hear only static while
>stuck in traffic.
>It will replace your shampoo with Nair and your Nair with Rogaine, all
>while dating your current boy/girlfriend (husband/wife) behind your back
>and billing their hotel rendezvous to your Visa card.
>Badtimes will give you Dutch Elm disease.  It will leave the toilet seat
>up and leave the hairdryer plugged in dangerously close to a full
>It will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattresses and
>pillows, it will refill your skim milk with whole.  It is insidious and
>subtle.  It is dangerous and terrifying to behold.  It is also a rather
>interesting shade of mauve. These are just a few signs.
>Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

 Most American's (76%) consider themselves to be environmentalists or
 pro-environment (Carlton Research, July 1996)

 More than 78% of respondents in a 1995 Times Mirror poll said that
 "this country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment."

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