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Oct 22, 1997 08:30 AM
by Nicole Suter

To doss: "I have just posted the above to listening-l so that someone will
be able to identify the quote."

Gulp - that Krishnamurti must be a very, very, very important person
which seems to have grown into a system.

"I am seriously interested in finding more about when and where it happened."

HPB does not say anything about when and where but she says that the
adept's name was Krishna Vishnu.

Why is it so important when and where it happened - do you and the other
people you are talking about have to watch "K"'s life?

"Will let you all know when I receive a feedback."

Thank you very much - I don't feel I need a feedback at all. But the
feedback might
very well fit your needs.

"In the listening-l there are quite a few subscribers with access to the
CD-ROM of K's Works and also there are many who have extensive knowledge
about K's statements and writings."

I was wrong - that Krishnamurti is not only a very, very, very important
person he is a Highness and he has a Kingdom, a Kingdom with many who
have extensive knowledge about his statements! - wauw "statements" and
writings - wauw "writings" - great - so these people have something to read
(and maybe they don't have to think themselves anymore). I feel a pressure
behind that which makes me feel afraid. Terribly afraid.

(It feels as if these people are operating in a special zone called dullness.
Dullness comes before horror. When meeting horror one is terryfied and this
leads to an action like runing away etc.. To dullness our psyche reacts
with faszination because the pyche is not capable here to discriminate.)

Do these people also have extensive knowledge about themselves? What
are the doing when they meet? Are the discussing "K"'s latest writings or
statements? Is one free to say: "well here I agree with "K" but with what
he writes here I don't"?


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