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Re: Digest 1290

Oct 21, 1997 03:45 PM
by Vincent Beall

Nicole Suter wrote:
> To Vincent: "Poe was correct; the mind is an external form contained in the
> physical planes. The important responsiblity of the mind is to limit the soul."
> Sorry for interrupting, but this sounds very interesting. I have a question:
> Is there also a possibility to use the mind in a way that it enriches the soul?

I'll make an attempt to answer your question, but my words may not be
the best. The mind is tied to our actions, and is formed of knowledges.
These many knowledges are each limited and are themselves the means of
limiting our lives, making our physical activities habitual. Physical
recreation frees the mind, and something that I am finding to be of
paramount imporance to the spiritual enrichment of the soul is to
Sabbath. My oppinion of mind is that they are altogether common,
everyone has one, but without taking periodic rest of the sort that
Sabbath implies anyones mind becomes controlling and tightly limiting,
squeezing the ego into fits of outburst or disfunction. 

In this world of information bombardment peoples saturated minds are
harboring impoverished souls. My advice is not to trust the limits that
the mind imposes on your world, 1 Corinthians 13 states that love
believes all things, does all things. We must constantly step back from
the most ordinary things that we hold to be true, in that many of these
'evil' ideas serves only to limit the possibilities and reinforce our
anoying habitual activities. Turn off the TV for a year maybe two, an
aniversary of Zen like extistance can be illuminating.

Peace be with you,


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