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Re: Power if Internet

Oct 20, 1997 09:17 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Vincent Beall wrote:
> What a bunch of nonsense! Bart the chip didn't add correctly. All
> operations of the CPU can be reduced to addition, complimentation, and
> shifting. Addition is the only purely mathematical thing that it does.
> There is no excuse for making such a mistake. As it turned out the chips
> were replaced; there is justice after all!

	Can you name the instruction that was bugged, and use it in a short
assembler program? From your statement, I am not even sure you know what
an instruction IS. The error took place in the least significant digits
(you know what that term means?) in a 128 bit operation. All the rest of
the instructions were fine.

	Bart Lidofsky

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