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Is Karma Politically Correct? Is the World?

Oct 19, 1997 08:14 AM

What I find so wearisome about exoteric religions is that there idea of divine 
justice whether represented in a system of sin and forgiveness or karmic 
action and reaction can be used to justify what the leaders of the movement 
want for their society.  Such leaders have been the FOLLOWERS of Mohamed, 
Chist, Budda, Lao-Tse, Confusious, and a whole slew of modern gurus and 

Theosophy seem to offer the hope that underlying the outter is an inner truth 
that would be universally true dispute the differences in factions and 
pressure groups.  I think the value of Krisnimurti, is his constant 
reiterating that TRUTH IS A PATHLESS LAND.  I am afraid this means, dispite 
attempts to make HPB the arbiter of ulitimate truth (I mean she could have had 
a slip of the pen when she was getting it all from the Masters, you know) that 
we are forced to define the good, the true and the just on an ongoing basis in 
our daily lives.  This is were such ideas of THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE as an 
inner guide to daily struggles.

To bring this down to earth, I was thinking about a certain individual in our 
lodge that has been in the soicety for decades and has spent much time at 
Adyat etc. who is absolutley sure that he has never been incarnated as a 
woman.  I at first dismissed this with bemused contempt mixed with tolerance 
until I examined my own core beliefs and his possible motivations.  The new 
age mumbo jumbo seems to imply, though not directly state, that we will or 
have incarnated in every race, religion, geographic area, sex, class, job 
title, race ad absurdum.

Some teachings I have read, mostly the periprial commenators of theosophy or 
whatever like Alice Bailey (excuse me if I am wrong I am just using her as an 
example), seem to imply that we are on a RAY.  This ray has a special purpose 
and does not change from lifetime to lifetime although outter circumstances 
vary greatly.  This RAY acts like a SOUL or SOUL RAY and is guided by a whole 
set of principles and overseen by a specific Master.

Now, as I thought about it, I wonder if I will ever know or should know.  I 
mean what if he were right.  This may explain a lot of things.  I mean we may 
be on a certain ray and incarnate in a difficult situation where it is 
difficult to express those energies.  I am thinking of for instance a Ray that 
if one is say an artist, one may incarnate with all the money in the world, 
but arthiritis or deafness etc. or one may be poor, but need to create despite 
the lack of food and shelter (starving artist syndome).  One may be very rich 
and give it up like Buddha or very poor and claim to be the King of Kings like 

On a more physical leve, one may be on a masculine ray and incarnate in a 
female body ( a possiblity for lesbians).  One may have high ethics and/or 
morals or just be an outcast and so join resistance movements which involve 
quasi-crimal/revolutionary actions.

The mushy version which I prefer, is that we all get to play all the parts 
because we are in essence the author or co-existant with all that is which is 
the author.  The RAYS come from one UNIFIED LIGHT.

I think as humans with highest spirit in lowest matter, we are torn between 
alligence to group norms and the indiviual path.  This seems to be the essence 
of most discussions about "why can't we all just be friends?".

What have you learned from your readings or life experience?

Keith Price

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