the Old Adepts
Oct 16, 1997 04:30 PM
by Drpsionic
>From the mysterious and rarely seen "Book of the Dugpas"
"And it came to pass that in the time of the steam and smoke belching
engines, the Master Ahriman and the Master Suteck and the Master Callifrax
were looking in the giant crystal ball seeing the state of the world and were
sore distressed. For the chains upon the human soul forged by the foulness
that is Christ were dropping away and it appeared that large portions of
humanity would become free of superstition and be forever lost.
It was at this point that the Master Ahriman summoned up the images of the
opposition, particularly those of the Master Koot Humibug and the Master
TellmeMorya and sent to them the idea of creating an organization to impose
the superstitions of the East upon the rational minds of the West to replace
the dying embers of Xtianity.
The first indication of success came when the extra large image of HPB
appeared in the crystal ball of the Master Koot Humibug and he asked the
Master TellmeMorya, 'What the hell is a chela?' To which the Master
TellmeMorya responded,'I just made the word up. Those idiots'll believe
Chuck the Heretic
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