The New Adepts
Oct 14, 1997 03:26 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Bart Lidofsky: "The key to such a group surviving is the ability of all
to drop their egos at the door, and to be able to pick them up again on
their way out."
According to my little experience I would n e v e r "drop my ego
at the door" of a group considering this to be too dangerous. Each
group (whether spiritual, religious or simply one to share jokes) has
a collective unconsiousness which of course raises positive "energies"
but also does the contrary and especially here my self needs its ego for
"A failure of the former causes conflict, and a failure of the latter
makes them unable to survive with the rest of the world."
If "a failure of the former causes conflict" a natural form of dependency
changed into dependence and if "they are unable to survive with the
rest of the world" we have an interdependence. Dependence and inter-
dependence are much more common today than the natural form of
dependency and spiritual/religious groups often show its symptoms.
Nicole Suter
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