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Oct 11, 1997 04:36 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, Bart Lidofsky
<> writes
>Dr. A.M.Bain wrote:
>> In message <>, Tim Maroney
>> <> writes
>> >Spiritualism, the great under-acknowledged
>> >ancestor of modern occultism and Theosophy.
>> A big AMEN to that!
>       I have read the works of Conan Doyle, the works of Erich "Harry
>Houdini" Weiss, as well as the correspondence between them. The major
>problem with the Spiritualist movement was that it was born in fraud,
>and its rules almost explicitly invited frauds to join. And Greshem's
>Law (sp?) holds.
>       Bart Lidofsky

I find it difficult to believe that the Spiritualist movement had rules.
In the main, various people - "mediums" and genuine mediums, got on the
bandwagon, but all too often with insufficient experience or ability to
develop the necessary checks and balances.

Having developed one kind of mediumistic ability over a long period, I
once decided to try to ask Conan Doyle about this very question.  I am
reasonably sure that I got the right personality, as 1) he seemed to
regard his interest in spiritualism as one of the least compelling
subjects of interest, and 2) enthused greatly about his friendship with
George Lansbury and their visits to the theatre.  This was veridical for
me, as I had not previously known of this connection at all, although I
was aware of Lansbury as a politician.

Those who wish to flee from me in horror should do so now ...

Alan :-)

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