Re: Dinner dates - to Bart
Oct 10, 1997 12:37 PM
by Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> Bart wrote:
> > I was speaking of an iconical wino vs. the real John Algeo.
> Give me a break, Bart. How is it possible for you to even to make a
> comparison then? You're just wimping out here. Iconical wino! So, you were
> simply stereotyping with nothing to back it up? Or was this all just some
> gratuitous kissing of Algeo's ass?
The original statement was whether one would rather have dinner with a
wino than John Algeo. Obviously, it is possible to imagine some
situation in which a dinner with an otherwise undesireable dinner
companion would be preferable to dinner with an otherwise preferrable
dinner companion. But those exceptions make the original question moot.
There might be a wino who is a Master in disguise, is a long-lost
relative, has some important information for me, etc. But 99.9999+% of
the time, this would not be the case, in which case, I would prefer to
have dinner with John Algeo. OK?
As far as stereotyping goes, I am not the one who first used the term
"wino" here in this context. And I hardly think one would call it
"ass-kissing" to say one would rather have dinner with a given
individual than a wino.
Bart Lidofsky
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