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Re: Expensive Winos

Oct 09, 1997 04:14 PM
by JRC

>> What if the wino was a Master in disguise?
>	Then the Adept's purpose would be to drive me off.
>	Remember, the Mahatmas attempt to change humanity with a minimum amount
>of direct interference. Therefore, an adept would not appear in
>repellent garb unless his/her purpose was to repel.

Or unless - as was mentioned numerous times in the MH - they simply didn't
give a fig for western notions of what "repellent" is ... believing the
growth of the interior being to be vastly more important than the polite
sensabilities of any particular culture. There's some letter in the MH
(don't have it offhand) where KH is talking about one of his highest and
most refined chelas ... and telling Sinnet that the fellow probably wouldn't
even be permitted in an Englishman's drawing room - by western standards ...
his clothes and hair and etc., ... he would have been looked at the same way
the modern west looks at "winos" - by KH's standards the fellow was an
elevated and particularly pure soul. It seems that the Mahatmas don't really
seek to attract *or* repel ... but (as they said over and over) those who
wish to approach them will of necessity judge by standards very different
than those of polite society - the stature of a soul, it seems, has very
little to do with the ability to bath often and talk well.        -JRC   

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