Re: Dinner dates - to Bart
Oct 08, 1997 09:56 PM
by M K Ramadoss
At 10:19 PM 10/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
> wrote:
>> Bart wrote:
>> > wrote:
>> >> I'd rather sup with a wino than Algeo any day.
>> >
>> > I've had supper with both. Algeo wins by a long shot.
>> And the REASONS why Algeo "wins?"
> Wino's have a disgusting smell about them, are frequently incoherent,
>and have terrible table manners. John Algeo is impeccably clean, is a
>scintillating conversationalist, and has wonderful table manners.
> Have you ever had dinner with either?
> Bart Lidofsky
Here is a story on table manners.
Krishnaji used to invite his friends and others everyday to dine with him at
lunch. One time when he was in Madras, a local Judge was invited for lunch.
The Judge came up from surroundings whose table manners are considered as
being bad by those of the elite upper class. So the person who was arranging
the seating assigned a chair far away from the one where Krishnaji usually
used to sit at the dining table. When Krishnaji arrived, he was quick to
notice that the judge was deliberately was made to sit far away from
Krishnaji's usual place and to the surprise and shock of everyone present,
he went and sat next to the judge. It taught a lesson to everyone that
Krishnaji, while knew table manners, he was not one who cared much. Judge
was a guest and Krishnaji treated him as such in spite of the guest's lack
of table manners. The above was told to me by an extremely reliable source
close to Krishnaji.
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