Re: Racism
Oct 08, 1997 07:26 PM
by Bart Lidofsky
A. Safron wrote:
> Chicago and its surrounding suburbs are a strange
> patchwork of races and ethnic groups. Ever changing and
> shifting. One neighborhood going downhill and then suddenly
> 10 years later its on the upswing. All it takes it money.
There are a number of upper-middle class minority communities in New
York City where, if you are not bigoted, you can buy a nice home with
good neighbors at a bargain rate. My wife and I once considered moving
into a West Indian neighborhood where she was attending church at the
time (I used to show up after services for coffee; I liked them far
better than the people at our neighborhood church, where I was treated
very coldly as a non-Christian). We didn't because of financial, not
racial reasons.
Bart Lidofsky
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