Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
Oct 07, 1997 03:51 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain
In message <>, Jerry Schueler
<> writes
>Maslow's famous Hierarchy of Needs. Although
>considered a theory, it does seem to work well with society. If true,
>then only the "upper-crust" will ever pursue theosophy because
>only the upper classes (who have their lower needs already met) will
>ever have time.
Maybe. I did the greatest part of my own intensive study when I "dropped
out" for two years around 1958-60, but this set the groundwork for later
extensive teaching and study, all of which I was thus enabled to pursue
in my "spare" time - like no TV, radio, newspapers, etc. ....
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