Re: Masters as Aliens
Oct 06, 1997 05:29 PM
by A. Safron
> Subject: Masters as Aliens
> Date: Monday, October 06, 1997 5:00 PM
> Not to get to far afield, but Zechiraih Sitchen has gained notice by extending
> the CHAIROT OF THE GODS theory to Absynnian scrolls who only he (it seems) can
> read accurately. He concludes that we are a laboratory - a petrie dish of
> humanity - growing like a culture of bacteria for advanced beings who return
> every millenium or so to check how we are evolvoing. The Masters might be
> their secret agents. Oh, how the romantic imagination can spin ....! :) They
> may be alien to us if they are operating on the buddhic and atmic levels which
> could be dimensions enfolded withour current 3(or 4) dimensional perception.
> Namaste
> Keith
When I saw John Mack, Harvard Psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize winner, at the World Parliament
of Religions in Chicago, he proposed to a packed room that perhaps the aliens were coming from
another dimension - like the astral plane.
Dr. Mack has done extensive work with abductees and in his book, "Abduction", says that
there is really no way to get around being abducted. If they want you as a specimen, the
only recourse is to psychologically adjust to it. Some of the stories in his books actually
talk about some of the people viewing their experiences as peak spiritual experiences, while
others only see them as trauma for which they need therapy.
The only way I've ever read about to avoid being abducted is to set up a video camera in
your bedroom and keep it running all night. They don't want to be seen or recorded.
In the Vol. 5, No. 2 1990 issue of UFO magazine, there are articles dedicated to UFOs and
Religion, Space Theology, Miracles and Visions. These are articles written by figures in the
ufology community. In an article by Neil Freer, entitled "In Tune With Our True History", he
still supports that idea that aliens were the "gods" of the Bible and says, " If you want to
see a least a half-breed alien, look in the mirror."
There's a more recent book, very popular because there's an article in it about the Heaven's
Gate group, before their demise. Two researchers infiltrated the group and took notes, then
got out when things got too crazy. (Or is it always crazy?) Anyway, the title of the book is
"The Gods have Landed" and I highly recommend it. It talks about religions that are dedicated
to UFOs and science, rather than the religion figures of the past. Rather Aquarius, in it's
own way. There's an article in it by TS's own Robert Ellwood. You can get the book publisher
phone number off the web, call in with your credit card and a week later have it in your hot
little hands. Ah, technology.
What do I believe? Well, I had to absorb all this UFO stuff for my fiction novel, so I look
at it more as a researcher than anything else. But I lean towards the fact that aliens are
using us for cross-breeding purposes and experimentation. Hell, what's to stop them.
A. Safron
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