Masters as Aliens
Oct 06, 1997 02:54 PM
BTW, I was thinking last night that maybe the Masters could be ALIENS from
>another planet, galaxy,universe, etc. Now this is the kind of conversation
>the Masters I could get into!
>A. Safron
More likely that the Masters think WE are aliens from another planet ...
Keith Price:
Not to get to far afield, but Zechiraih Sitchen has gained notice by extending
the CHAIROT OF THE GODS theory to Absynnian scrolls who only he (it seems) can
read accurately. He concludes that we are a laboratory - a petrie dish of
humanity - growing like a culture of bacteria for advanced beings who return
every millenium or so to check how we are evolvoing. The Masters might be
their secret agents. Oh, how the romantic imagination can spin ....! :) They
may be alien to us if they are operating on the buddhic and atmic levels which
could be dimensions enfolded withour current 3(or 4) dimensional perception.
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