Re: A Quote
Oct 04, 1997 12:06 PM
by Bart Lidofsky
Dr. A.M.Bain wrote:
First off, to answer Keith,
> In message <>, JOSEPH PRICE
> <> writes
> >Jung had two
> >specific comments on theosophists, neither very flattering. He seemed to view
> >them as people who applied Eastern wisdom like beauty lotion. They didn't so
> >much storm Eastern temples, as bask in the exoticism of the symbols of all
> >religions as one would take a Theosophical bubble bath. He saw theosophist as
> >dillettantes who never grew into any tradition, but were in a constant
> >adolescent "search". Does any of this ring true?
Of course, the Mahatma's said that one should seek the truth through
one's own religious tradition. But I (and many others) see traditions as
a lot of garbage with some diamonds mixed in. Jung seems to think that
one should embrace the garbage to get the diamonds. I am more of the
opinion that one should dump the garbage, and keep only the diamonds. If
that's an "adolescent search", then so be it. Those who think so can
live in their own refuse.
Now for Alan...
> Oh boy, does it! I love the idea of a Theosophical bubble bath. I
> recently saw (in a book) a picture of Annie Besant and other very
> important Theosophists engaged in a very esoteric pursuit - playing
> croquet .... just the thing for the brotherhood of humanity, don't you
> think?
I have been known to be sarcastic, and overreact in the past. In this
case, however, I really don't understand your message. I can't see how
croquet is important to the brotherhood of humanity, so you must be
showing sarcasm, except that I can't see how playing croquet could be
working AGAINST the brotherhood of humanity either. It seems to be a
relatively neutral pursuit. Annie Besant certainly had her share of
faults, but I would not consider playing croquet to be one of them.
Bart Lidofsky
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