Re: Conspiracy Theories - Facts or Fiction
Oct 04, 1997 05:19 AM
by A. Safron
> Subject: Conspiracy Theories - Facts or Fiction
> Date: Friday, October 03, 1997 5:52 PM
> On David Icke:I hate to tell you, but this sounds an awful like the fiction
> I'm writing.
> A. Safron
> I would like to hear more about your fiction. I know Robert A Wilson (RAW)
> has made quite a living writing on THE ILLUMINATI which some take as fact.
I think RAW, who I saw once in person with Timothy Leary, wrote most of his
stuff on LSD, magic mushrooms or airplane glue. Mine just comes through,
just like Keith Richard's music does.
BTW, I was thinking last night that maybe the Masters could be ALIENS from
another planet, galaxy,universe, etc. Now this is the kind of conversation about
the Masters I could get into!
A. Safron
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