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Re: A Quote

Oct 03, 1997 06:33 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, JOSEPH PRICE
<> writes
>Jung had two 
>specific comments on theosophists, neither very flattering.  He seemed to view 
>them as people who applied Eastern wisdom like beauty lotion.  They didn't so 
>much storm Eastern temples, as bask in the exoticism of the symbols of all 
>religions as one would take a Theosophical bubble bath. He saw theosophist as 
>dillettantes who never grew into any tradition, but were in a constant 
>adolescent "search".  Does any of this ring true? 

Oh boy, does it!  I love the idea of a Theosophical bubble bath.  I
recently saw (in a book) a picture of Annie Besant and other very
important Theosophists engaged in a very esoteric pursuit - playing
croquet .... just the thing for the brotherhood of humanity, don't you

Alan :-)

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