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Hall of Records?

Oct 01, 1997 11:12 AM
by K. Paul Johnson

As many of you may know, Edgar Cayce predicted the discovery in
1998 of a Hall of Records under the Sphinx which would contain
13,000+ year old records, some from Atlantis.  Although I
remain a skeptic about the date and the Atlantean connection,
the lead article in the current Venture Inward reports that "An
exploratory ecpedition in Egypt led by research scientist
Joseph Schor has found evidence of a `huge underground room'
beneath the Sphinx" which was announced at an annual A.R.E.
conference on Egypt in August.  The expedition spent 3 weeks in
April 1996 and used radar.  Schor claims that there's a room
about 25 feet by 40, with parallel wals and a room about 35
feet below the surface.  They can't tell where the floor is but
think it's 60 to 80 feet below the surface.  

Zawi Hawass, director of the puramids at Giza, said that what
the radar is showing could be a natural chasm rather than a
manmade chamber, and "The accuracy of radar in describing
underground anomalies remains unproven."  No excavation will be
allowed due to the danger of damaging the Sphinx.  Drilling
into the rock beneath it could be very harmful, as pieces of
rock have already been falling off in recent years without any
such interference.  But Schor reported that there was a shaft
only 6 feet below the surface which led to the room, and a
permit has been applied for to clear it, which will require no
drilling.  But Hawass was skeptical about the prospects for
this occurring, and said second and third opinions would be
needed before proceeding.  John Van Auken of A.R.E. said he was
asking "an authoritative institution for an interpretation of
the data from the radar, and then forward that opinion to the
Egyptian Antiquities officials."  

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