The October THEOSOPHY WORLD is out
Sep 30, 1997 02:59 PM
by Eldon B Tucker
The October issue of THEOSOPHY WORLD just came out. It's
contents are:
"Call for Papers" by Ernest Pelletier
"What is It in Us that Sees the 'Passage of Time'?"
by Dallas TenBroeck
"Historic and Spiritual Truth" by Eldon Tucker
"Theosophical Search Engine" by Scott J. Osterhage
"Additions to Online Books" by Sarah Bell Dougherty
"Studies in 'The Voice of the Silence', Part II" by B.P. Wadia
"Book of Enlightened Masters" by Paul Johnson
"Conditioned and Abstract Time" by Eldon Tucker
"Light in the Daily Routine" by Annette Rivington
"Animal, Group & Folk Souls" by Mark Kusek
"Paradigms of Consciousness During Sleep" by Donald J.
DeGracia, Ph.D.
"Karma and the Victorian Mind" by Chuck Cosimano
"Disseminating Theosophy" by Andrew Rooke
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