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Re: Weird/Wesak (to Titus)

May 04, 1997 04:35 AM
by Jim Meier

>Speaking of planetary conditions, the first Full Moon in Taurus (Wesak or
>Buddha's birthday) was last Tuesday. My teacher told how Buddha and the Christ
>work together at this time of year. Is there any theosophical writing on
>Wesak? (I think Alice Bailey has written some).

As others pointed out, CWL's Masters & the Path is the "mainstream" TS work
discussing the Wesak ceremony.  There are 90 or so web addresses matching a
web search on "Wesak", although some of them seem to be down.  Most of them
draw heavily from the Alice Bailey works, and references to Wesak are
scattered throughout many of those books.  The Wesak information has been
correlated from them into a 22 page brochure by the publisher, and is
available w/o charge from    Lucis Trust, 120 Wall St., 24th fl., New York
New York 10005.

According to Bailey, the Wesak Festival is the 2nd of three full moon
festivals that make up the Higher Interlude cycle of the spiritual year.
The 1st is Easter (Aries) and the 3rd is this month's full moon of Gemini on
May 22nd.  The 3rd Festival is also known as World Invocation Day, and the
idea of the three Spiritual Festivals (and the lesser festivals at the other
nine moons) is one of the main differences between the Bailey teachings and
"orthodox" Theosophy.


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