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Jun 05, 1996 06:01 PM
by John E. Mead
hi - I am (re)posting this epistle by JRC for reference in discussions which I hope may be of interest within this list. This was first posted on theos-L with little response. I think it has relevance for discussion on "Buds" as to the nature of Theosophy for the coming generation(s). the post is a reprint except for a minor deletion of some material in brackets ( [..] ) which were not relevent :-) peace - john e. mead ================== >Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 00:54:51 -0600 (MDT) >From: JRC <jrcecon@selway.umt.edu> >To: theos-l@vnet.net >Subject: The Universal Family of Humanity >Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91.960603005348.13724A-100000@selway.umt.edu> > > [A long one folks (-:)] > It has, for some time now, been my belief that the concept >of the formation of the nucleus of a universal family of humanity >is the very core of modern Theosophy, the most profound idea >within the Theosophical movement, the movement's "true north" ... >that the compass of every theosophical sect ought to point >towards to maintain its stability, its focus, and *its >relationship to the foundational purpose of its existence*. > Even further, I believe that the *reason* modern Theosophy >appears to be such a mess, has splintered into a hundred >different factions, is irrelevant to and largely ignored by the >humanity it was begun to serve, and has withdrawn into itself as >a turtle into its shell, is because its animating idea - *The >Formation of the Nucleus of a Universal Family of Humanity* has >been buried and forgotten ... replaced by small sects of people >taking slices of the current, little tributaries, and attempting >to make of them the whole of Theosophy; by people unable to >resist the terrible selfishness present in the *personal* desire >to be admitted into a "Mystery School" (a failing the Masters >fought - unsuccessfully - from the very beginning of the >society); by people caught in the snare of secret-chasing, >unknowingly chained by the deep delights of wrestling with ornate >philosophy and bound to the addictive pleasures of "insight" >apparently gained therefrom. > The First Object (I'll be so bold as to assert (-:) is much >more than simply the statement of a nice sentiment, more than >something to pay lip service to, to keep around like a pet >goldfish ... in the room but usually ignored ... no, it is the >tip of an idea so immense, so earth-shattering, so *kinetic* that >if modern Theosophy were *truly* commit to it as an *Object*, >that is, as a *goal* - the theosophical current would virtually >instantaneously spring back to life. > We were, I believe, as Theosophists, handed an *opportunity* >to accomplish a remarkable task on behalf of the spiritual >kingdom on this planet. The *gift* we were given was the *chance >to serve on a global scale* ... and all the "teachings", the >esoterica, were *not* given for our *personal benefit*, and we >certainly do not have some sort of charge to "keep them alive" >(how ridiculous - Those Who Keep Them can release them to whom >they want, in any form they desire, at any time they wish) - the >"occult" knowledge is but little scraps of an impossibly huge >body of knowledge, scraps *intended to serve the accomplishment >of the Formation of the Nucleus of a Universal Family of >Humanity*. The purported "next religion" about which there is so >much argument? Look in the First Object and *it is there* ... and >not only that, but the "keys" to reading the theosophical >esoterica are *also* buried in it. > I understand these are bold claims ... and in fact they do >not fit into *any* of the current theosophical sects, but bear >with me (-:) - I'll try to support them ... to unpack what (IMO) >are the first few layers of the remarkable idea/mission embedded >in the First Object. No one may accept the totality of the >premise ... but at least a discussion of the First Object - an >idea the Adepts clearly and continually stated to be of prime >importance to them - will be worth a bit of discussion. And >curiously enough (IMO), of all the intense discussions I've seen >in Theosophy over the years, discussion of the minutia of karma, >of reincarnation, of the globes and races and rounds, of occult >theory and occult practice in all its nuances, I've seen barely >even an ounce of attention, a moment of intellectual energy, >expended on understanding what the Formation of the Nucleus of a >Universal Family of Humanity might mean. Its depths have *never* >been explored, its door never even opened - yet this was the idea >the Adepts held to be the one thing that *could not vary* >regardless of what Sinnet, Hume, or even HPB wanted to do with >Theosophy. > And I suppose the best way to start would be to frame, in >succinct a fashion as possible, what I believe to be the >*foundational vibration of the theosophical current, inspired by >Adepts and initiated by HPB*: > > The Adepts, understanding with foresight the century we are >now in the midst of, and grasping the stunning burst of >intellectual development - with all its power and its delusions - >that was immanent, and understanding as well that the chief >characteristic of the intellect is the *differentiating function* >(i.e., that it is the "great slayer" of the (unified) "real", the >*source* of the "heresy of separateness"), understanding that it >was a *required stage of evolution*, but that it harbored >tremendous dangers, and desirous of aiding in that evolution by >trying to mitigate the great pain inherent in the delusions of >the intellect, sought then a means of *immunizing* our race >against the worst of the viral infections the spirit of >differentiation (that is the core of the intellect) had almost >inevitably to cause. > The source of the *danger* exists in the very core of the >intellect - whose first and most fundamental sentiment is "I, not >I". It *seeks* to differentiate, to pull apart what is whole, to >*magnify* differences, to see how many pieces compose the atom, >how many different hierarchies can be named as composing the >natural world, how many categories it can create to demonstrate >how *different* humans are from one another. (Want to see this in >action? *Every* race, every philosophy (*including Theosophy!), >and every religion has produced a "ranking system" in which its >members are the *highest*, and all others descend "downward" from >the defined peak). Its development, for aeons possessed by but a >few every generation, was on the verge of becoming widely >diffused. Its powers are unprecedented - it can cure diseases, >produce food, clothing and shelter for everyone on earth, but its >downside is virulent. And the anti-virus, the immunizing agent, >had to (of necessity) be of the nature of the virus - i.e., had >to be *an idea* ... an idea *as basic and powerful as the >predilection to say "I, not-I", but *diametrically opposed*. > > "To form a nucleus of a universal family of humanity, >*without distinction* of race, creed, sex, caste or color." > > This, this remarkable idea, *is* the "anti-virus". In a >world now completely deluged under the effects of "Us *vs.* >Them", it was to be a powerful, focussed and deliberate >articulation of the sentiment "Us *and* Them". But the means of >introducing it could not be simply to state it - various forms of >it had been stated for *millennia* with little effect. This >merely had the effect of a doctor *telling* a patient they were >going to get some medicine. To actually *inject it* into the body >of humanity, it would require *a group of humans ... not Adepts, >*humans*, to *actualize* the idea within the confines of the >human civilization*. At least some minority of members of *our >kingdom* had to have the courage, the perseverance, the >tremendous creativity required to *begin demonstrating what the >human kingdom as a whole would look like *after* it had completed >the development of the mind* ... when it will begin to *resolve >and unify instead of differentiate*. That is, the "anti-virus", >from another perspective, is the *idea that will govern us in the >future*: That we *are* a "universal family of humanity" - and we, >we as *Theosophists*, were handed the golden opportunity to *form >its nucleus* ... to be the *first iteration*, the *seed*. > And yet, the founders (other than HPB) almost to the person >failed to grasp this - either the idea or the opportunity. The TS >itself fell prey almost immediately to the virus itself. But the >idea itself is so powerful that it *remains* the animating agent >behind whatever life is left in the Theosophical current. And not >only that, but precisely those things that are complained about >continuously in theosophy (and certainly on this list) are those >things that constitute the actual living work of the First >Object. (To explain this will take a bit of an articulation of >the first layer of the Object (-:): > > The biggest initial problem is that the First Object is easy >to read, and everyone thinks almost immediately that they >understand it - but look even a bit more closely (with even half >the effort that "karma" is looked at in TS circles (-:) - and >suddenly it appears positively immense in its ramifications. To >accomplish it, and accomplish it *genuinely*, even upon first >glance indicates some very interesting (and perhaps even >counterintuitive) realizations ... > It has virtually *nothing* to do with "being nice". Notions >like politeness, "reasoned discourse", "manners", "insults", >etc., etc. vary by culture, by race, by personal upbringing, the >exigencies of fate and fortune, and numerous other factors. If we >are talking about a universal family, the first huge idea to be >faced (and great courage indeed it takes to face it) is that >*there is no "correct" mode or style of discourse*. At *every* >layer of personality there *are* differences, and very >substantial ones, between people ... and the era we live in, the >era of mind, has served to do little other than greatly intensify >our perception of those differences. The problem is that for most >of history, the large majority of humans have been used to >assuming that *their acculturated norms are "the" norms*. And >this is the first profound truth embedded in the First Object: To >take it as a *goal* means we must assume the responsibility of >*continually* striving to function *as spiritual entities* ... >that is, at the layers of our own energy systems where >personality level differences *are not relevant*. > This is important. For much of history, different races and >cultures simply did not even come into contact with one another >.. and when they did, either warfare resulted in the domination >of one over the other, or migration happened and the conflicts >ceased because the parties separated - did not remain in relation >to one another. Both of these *avoided the fundamental issue*. In >our current world, with its population explosion and the global >telecommunications net, there *is* no place to go - differences >that have existed since the beginning of exoteric recorded >history must, for the first time, be *resolved*. > The *challenge* of the First Object is to find *the way >out*. On this list both "traditional" avenues have been tried. >Almost everyone has, at one time or another, attempted to >establish a correct "norm" - both for content and mode of >communication ... but in this unique forum, no one has been able >to dominate. And currently, the other "safety valve" is being >tried - a usenet list on one hand, and a completely moderated >list on the other. Both have been generated (IMO) as *reactions* >to the tremendous tension and *pain* that surrounds the formation >of a universal family. While I hope both are successful, my own >*personal* hope is that people stay connected to theos-l ... >because the actual *work* of the First Object is *happening >here*. > Almost no one thinks they are making personal attacks, and >almost everyone feels as though they are subject to them. *WHAT >DOES THIS MEAN?* More to the point (to deeply, if somewhat >gratuitously stroke those that have stuck it out (-:) - it means >that we have *begun the work* - make no mistake, *look* at the >First Object ... race, cultures and personalities are *very* >different, and to actually form the nucleus of a universal family >means that, perhaps for the first time in our race's history ... >a group of people, in whom exist the *entire spectrum of those >differences*, instead of resolving through the domination of one >perspective over another, or simply fleeing one another and >avoiding the issue, have chosen to *stay in relation to one >another for the sake of an ideal* ... and virtually everyone that >has stayed has been virtually *required* to reach for the >spiritual aspects of their being - the only place where *actual* >resolution exists. > Even further, in the very depth and viciousness of the >apparent combat itself is the sign that *genuine* work is being >done. There are multiple personality types on this list . types >that in the human family as a whole have *never* resolved the >differences between them. To be willing to *remain connected*, to >try to dominate if one has the desire to dominate, to resist that >domination if one feels that desire, to be *fully who we are >without any compromise*, and hence face the full pain of the >conflict with others in whom very different beliefs and standards >exist, ... is to begin the *carve the paths that humanity as a >whole may someday follow* ... > We are, my brothers and sisters, playing the biggest game on >earth, and messin' with the very fabric of human reality here - >we are *seeking that road, the hidden perspective, the unknown >solution, through which even the greatest differences may be >somehow resolved - the two "pressure release valves" - domination >or avoidance - that have always been the way resolution has come >(neither of which every *truly* produced a resolution) we have >forgone. Are their not "Alexis' and Liesels, Chucks and Bjorns, >JRCs and Eldons, Daniels and K. Paul Johnsons (etc., etc)" >throughout the world? Not only at the individual level, but even >at the largest scales ... Muslims and Hindus, Catholics and >Protestants, first world and third world, Jews and Iraqis, >Chinese and Taiwanese ... the list goes on ad infinitum. Thing >is, increasingly *no one* is able any longer to either dominate >or avoid. But not one is seeking the means of *genuine* >resolution ... nor even knows how to look. > To pursue the actualization of the First Object is really >the commitment to *discover historically unprecedented patterns >of relationship* ... patterns that literally do not yet exist ... >but that *when discovered in practice* ARE the patterns humanity >is almost desperately (if still virtually unconsciously) seeking >right now. And if we succeed in *finding* those patterns, *we >will have produced the "anti-virus" that can be replicated ... >can be *applied* to some of the oldest and deepest problems >facing our race*. Does it make *sense*, even with this little >brief exploration of the First Object, that the Adepts elevated >the idea of universal family above all others? That they tried, >constantly and throughout their contact with the founders, to >continue to bring people back to that central idea? > While this has probably gone on too long for now, I couldn't >finish without mentioning (IMO) yet another significant point >about the First Object. And that is that the "teachings" given >out are all - if ya think about it - meant to *support* the work >of the First Object? That the Second and Third Objects, the >notions of cosmo and anthrogenesis, and the framework for >understanding how to reach for more interior states of >consciousness are all meant to be used *in the service* of the >work of forming the nucleus for a universal family of humanity? >That to study them alone and for one's personal development is >inherently deeply selfish, to believe that one has, *because one >has studied them*, somehow "above" the rest of humanity ... that >is, to *use* those teachings as a means of *strengthening the >sense of difference rather than understanding them as the means >of discovering the road to resolution* ... is to seriously >*misuse* those teachings? And this, I believe, is why Theosophy >really is in trouble right now - the teachings have been >virtually *severed* from the work of universal brotherhood ... >they are being presented as things that can be (even should be) >learned in and of themselves, rather than as both the larger >paradigm and the personal knowledge needed to actualize the >formation of the universal family. > To anyone that feels like it, might I suggest this "key"? >Any particular aspect of the theosophical you happen to be >studying right now, try studying and meditating on it *assuming >the furtherance of the First Object is the reason that particular >knowledge was released by the Adepts* ... that out of all the >immensity of the wisdom possessed, particular pieces were >deliberately chosen (and others not even mentioned) with a very >specific end in mind - *to fit those forming the nucleus of a >universal family with what they would need to accomplish the >task*. While I cannot say this is the truth, I *can* say that >reading theosophical literature *with the First Object foremost >in mind* changes every bit of it into *something else*, seems to >trigger the intuitive understanding of it at a vastly increased >scale, and provides *the* thread that *links* the immense body of >literature, and suggests connections between apparently >completely unconnected parts. *It functions as a key*. > > Anyway ... `nuff for now. Start taking your shots (har har >har har har har har! Get it?! Tee hee). > With Love, -JRC > ----------------------------------------------------------- John E. Mead jem@vnet.net Theos-L etc. list-owner Member of Theosophical Society in America Member of Theosophy International [Physics is impossible without imaginary numbers] [Mathematics is impossible without consciousness] -----------------------------------------------------------