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Re: Is this a Theosophical List

Apr 30, 1996 07:23 PM
by liesel f. deutsch

Rich and JRC

I just sent an article copy to Bee Brown, which maybe contains an answer to
your discussion. It's called "Doctrine & Dogma" (something like that) by
Shirley Nicholson. It makes sense to me. So let's you try it on.

First off, she points out that we *do* have a doctrine "The Secret
Doctrine". Then she goes into a discussion of the difference between
doctrine & dogma. The gist is that whatever belief system one adopts, it
should be pliable & dynamic, & of the sort that will admit a new Truth, if
one should happen across one. One that will roll with the punches of life, &
adapt.. Dogma, to Shirley is something very rigid & unmoveable, about to
die. I think of it as boxed in ideas, because her writing made me think of
the German word "Kastengeist", which has really something to do with "caste
spirit", but which could also mean boxed in spirit. I think our SD fits the
idea of a doctrine. It's purposely written in such a way that it can be
interpreted various ways, and at diffenrent levels. ie the reader isn't told
"this is what you must believe BOOM", but rather "now, why don't you try out
this idea, or does that one suit you better?" "Do you think this might be
true?" it's meant to be but the finger pointing at the moon.

Best wishes

Liesel TI

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