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Re: Buonaparte

Apr 18, 1996 11:23 PM
by alexis dolgorukii

At 08:20 PM 4/18/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>>That's surely true, and it's also possible that there will be a
>>reincarnation of the HolyRoman Empire inEurope too.
>Which, like the first one will be neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.
>Member TI, TSA, TS in Canada, HR
>That was Buonaparte's remark, and in his period it was clearly true, but
when it was founded by Charlemagne it was distinctly an Empire, it was
recognized by the Roman Church as the successor to Imperial Rome, and due to
it's alliance with Rome Rome granted it the appelation "Holy", By the time
of the French Revolution several hundred years later, everything had
changed. But for the longest time, while the Emperors were actually elected,
it was a major force which eventually produced the idea of actual Democracy
in the world. It was never really a military great power, it's power was
activated in subtler ways. It was also, thus far, the world's first and most
successful (over time) multicultural diverse society.
and culturally it was a major center of European Civilization.

alexis dolgorukii
member TI, FTSA

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