RE: Thoughts
Apr 18, 1996 11:45 PM
by alexis dolgorukii
At 10:26 PM 4/18/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I have heard it speculated that the Moslem, Christian unrest today is a
>revisit of the group karma created during the Crusades. What are your
>Subject: Re:union
>Date: Thursday, April 18, 1996 7:52PM
>My thoughts? Well when I look at the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Triad I see
many things. I see ancient mutual antagonisms that have never really been
ameliorated. That's very old news, and it's nothing at all either unique of
new. The situation current in Palestine today is the result of serious
political misjudgements in 1948. But if by "unrest" ypou mean the
fundamentalist phenomenon cureently very rife in all three religions, my
thoughts are these. Fundamentalism is a symptom of the death throes of a
religion. It is "circling the wagons" against change and new thoughts. It is
an intense need to return things to a "simpler and more secure age". Of
course such an age never existed. When members of a religion feel called
upon to react against the ongoing evolution of that religion and return it
to an entirely illusory "pure state" then the religion is moribund. I, as
may be obvious consider the Judeo-Chrsitian-Islamic Triad as essentially a
single religion with three major sects. It is the demise of that single
religion that the "religious unrest" of our times foretells.
alexis dolgorukii'
Member TI, FTSA
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