dropped members of theos-l etc.
Apr 12, 1996 12:48 PM
by Rodolfo Don
>Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 00:14:02 -0500
>From: jem@vnet.net (John E. Mead)
>Subject: dropped members of theos-l etc.
>hi -
>after studying the hundreds of e-mail *error* msgs sent to me daily
>by the listserver, I have concluded that the "dropped" users are NOT
>a Vnet/listserver problem on our end. If you are repeatedly
>"dropped" from the list, then it is due to your own provider/account
>(Internet Service Provider, i.e. ISP).
>common problems can be:
>1) if your NODE (i.e. the stuff after the "@" sign) or username
>becomes undefined you are dropped immediately. This is a good feature.
>many people use AOL e.g. for 10 hours of the free time, and then let their
>address/account expire. We often get 2-3 subscribers(daily) who sign-on,
>and then drop the ISP they are using. hence,they get purged as soon as
>their account goes "unknown".
>2) diskspace quotas?? if the server gets rejections from your provider
>(e.g. can't write/add new e-mail etc.) then you will get dropped after
>5 consequetive days of having some problems. note: you can use
>set mail theos-l postpone
>as a command to the listserver if you are on vacation. Upon your return
>set mail theos-l digest
>(or: set mail theos-l ack )
>to restore e-mail delivery. missed msgs (daily log files) can be
>retreived by the "get" command such as:
>get theos-l theos-l.960330 (theos-l.yymmdd for a specific date)
>(above would retreive the theos-l mailings for 3/30/96)
>if you do not know why you are being dropped, I can monitor
>some of the e-mail msgs (after you resubscribe) in order to
>"catch" the errors from your local ISP etc.
>currently (today) their were five addresses dropped (this is normal).
>two were the two addresses used by Mike G. (undefined Node-names)
>three were dropped due to expired accounts via their ISP (this is common)
>I've had *80* e-mail errors (today) for jhe which bounced (probably due to
>disk quota problems on his provider (a guess)).
>there is a *small* minority of people who wish to "stay" but get bounced.
>It is not their problem, but rather the ISP's problem.
>The only good solution is to fix your ISP account so this does not happen.
>If it not your account (per se), then yor local sysman must get involved
>after you explain the problems to him/her. e.g. he should keep his
>address/node tables in better array etc.
>The majority of bounced users are people who have *let* their accounts expire.
>peace -
>john e. mead
>John E. Mead jem@vnet.net
>Member of Theosophy International
>[Physics is impossible without imaginary numbers]
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